smarter movement for longevity and optimal health


why sunFLOWer?


movement that is smarter

i collaborate with orthopedic surgeons and physical therapists weekly to ensure that the classes I write and the programs that I create are not just fun and exciting, but GOOD FOR YOU! movement should be sustainable for a lifetime without being boring!

movement that is for every mind + body

it is my biggest passion to make sure that every body feels comfortable and confident within my classes. i provide every option imaginable within my various class options. it’s my goal to build strong bodies by making sure you find YOUR flow within my guided practice. not only that, but I care about building strong minds too by making sure you are given space to rest and reconnect with yourself.

movement that is flexible

when you sign up to be a sunflow member, you get access to the entire sunflower class library, as well as 5 new custom weekly classes that drop every sunday. you can organize these classes in a way that makes sense for you and take them completely on your own time! as a member, sunflower classes come to about 75 cents per class...and that doesn't even include the historic library of classes! don’t like online? let’s talk! I offer private custom classes upon appointment/availability

grow in strength, mobility,

and flexibility.

you need a balance of all three. let’s make your practice sustainable for a lifetime